Five great reasons you should road trip to Lake Mac soon

Five great reasons you should road trip to Lake Mac soon

Wanderlust kicking into overdrive as of late? We feel you. And while it may not be time to jump in the car and hit the road just yet, now’s a great time to put in some hours planning your next trip. Because before you know it, it will be goodbye isolation and hello adventure!

We can’t wait to welcome you back to Lake Macquarie, so we’ve put together our top five reasons why we should be top of your list for a post-restriction road trip as soon as possible…

1. Space to enjoy nature

If beaches, bushwalks or getting out and about on the water is your vibe, you’ve come to the right place. Fresh air and nature are just what the doctor ordered, and it’s never hard to find a peaceful spot to yourself. After all, Lake Macquarie is one of the largest coastal saltwater lakes in the Southern Hemisphere (twice the size of Sydney Harbour!), while our coastline takes in secluded bays, uncrowded surf breaks, miles of sand dunes and ancient sea caves. On the other side of the lake in the Watagan Mountains, you can hike to waterfalls and spectacular lookouts with barely a soul in sight.

Caves Coastal Walk
Caves Beach Coastal Walk

2. Distance to Sydney

Sure road tripping is about cruising around in your car, but let’s be honest, no one likes being cooped up for hours, especially after months of being stuck at home. Lake Macquarie is perfectly positioned 90 minutes north of Hornsby along the M1 – close enough for a easy day trip, but far enough away to feel like you’ve truly escaped.

Sunset at Naru Beach, Lake Macquarie

3. Wallet-friendly sightseeing

No need to spend tons of money to enjoy yourself in Lake Mac. Many of our attractions are natural and free, and we have a range of activities at all price points; from exploring the lake by kayak or SUP, through to aerobatic thrill flights and skydiving. If you decide to extend your stay (we wouldn’t blame you!), accommodation ranges from budget-friendly camping through to luxe beachfront bungalows. Browse through some of the options on our booking page.

Paddle boarding, Lake Macquarie
Paddle boarding near Lake Macquarie's sand islands

4. Life’s simple pleasures

Here in Lake Mac, we’re all about enjoying life’s little pleasures. It could be a barefoot beach walk with the sea breeze blowing through your hair. Dangling your feet off the side of a jetty and soaking up the sunshine (extra points for dropping a line in at the same time!). Tucking into fish and chips overlooking the water, or grabbing an ice cream and strolling by the lake. We invite you to come as you are, and to simply enjoy.

Fishing, Lake Macquarie
Fishing, Raffertys Resort jetty

5. Superb sunsets and sunrises

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, we’ve got you covered. In Lake Macquarie we are lucky enough to enjoy epic sunrises and sunsets, both over water. Our top sunrise spot is Caves Beach. Watching the sun rise above the ocean, framed by the ancient rock arch, is a truly magical experience. For sunset, head to the eastern shores of the lake. Particularly pretty places include Belmont and Valentine foreshores, where you’ll be treated to bucket-loads of boats bobbing gently in the water while Mother Nature puts on her impressive display above.

Sunrise, Caves Beach